Baton Twirling Classes
Recreational & Show Classes
(All classes will be in session for 8 weeks *Additional months may be added)
Creative Dance (45 min) 3-5 years
This ballet-based class uses the power of imagination to engage children in a warm-up,
stretches, and combinations designed to teach little ones how to be good dancers. Emphasis is placed on learning how to take class (following a teacher, taking turns, treating each others respectfully), giving these little one tools for success in pre-school as well as future classes. Cost: $50 per month
BBG (45 min) 3-5 years
Little ones are introduced to baton, ballet, and gymnastics in this fun, imaginative class.
Emphasis is placed on learning how to take class (following a teacher, taking turns, treating each other respectfully), giving your little one tools for success in pre-school as well as future baton and dance classes. Cost: $50 per month
Infiniti Novice Baton Twirling (60 min) 6-11 & 12+ years
Twirlers in this class will learn novice baton twirling and gymnastics skills along with
beginner ballet technique while working together as a team. The twirlers will also learn a short team routine. Cost: $65 per month
Infiniti Beginner Baton Twirling (60 min) 6-11 & 12+ years
Baton twirlers will be placed in one of two classes depending on their age. They will learn in a fun environment how to work together as a team while learning harder skills.
Cost: $65 per month

Competition Classes
(All classes will be in session for 8 weeks *Additional months needed for some classes)
Infiniti Mini’s (45 min) 3-6 years
Little ones are introduced to baton, ballet, and gymnastics in this fun, imaginative class. Emphasis is placed on learning how to work as a team, giving your little one tools for success in pre-school as well as future baton and dance classes. They will learn a routine that they will perform in parades, competitions and other events (possibly Lion’s and Piston’s Halftime Shows!) Cost: $65 per month
Infiniti Beginner Team (60 min) 6-11 & 12+ years
In this team students will learn to work as a whole as they perform their routine. They will learn to use their skills in baton twirling, dance, and gymnastics to gracefully perform at
competitions, in parades, and other events. Cost: $65
“Beyond” Baton Twirling Team (60 min) 6-11 & 12+ years
This baton twirling team is for those twirlers that want to push themselves even further in the sport they love! They will learn harder baton, dance, and gymnastic skills and then put them all together for a fun, competitive team! Cost: $65 per month
Classes that Include Color Guard
(All classes will be in session for 8 weeks *Additional months needed for some classes)
This class will be chosen as recreational or competitive depending on what the students and families involved choose.
Infiniti Show Team (60 min) 6+ years
The Infiniti Show Team will include students of all ages. They will learn a routine to include skills with gymnastics, dance, 1 baton, 2 baton, 3 baton, flag, rifle, and various other props (students will audition to see which skills they will perform). The Infiniti Show Team will perform in parades, competitions, and other events (Possibly Lion’s and Piston’s Halftime Shows!) Cost: $65 per month